Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

Action Spaniels

It feels like we have been everywhere today.

First stop was Glasgow for lunch and then a bit of shopping, next we went to Livingston for some more shopping.

We took Rocket and Radar with us and although we let them out of the car at regular stops for water and to stretch their legs, they really needed a chance to let off some steam. So we went to Kinross for a walk around Loch Leven. The sun was beginning to set and the loch looked stunning. Lots and lots of wildlife around and I'll be back to take some pictures of the birds when I've remembered the right lens.

Whilst we were there, Derek, who lives in Kinross called and we met up with Badger and Basil for a walk at the golf course.

It was getting late when we got into Dundee so we decided to get some chips and eat them on the Law (yes Ian, again.).

This is Rocket carrying the largest stick/branch she can find. And she really doesn't like to give up and admit defeat with it, even if everyone on the walk ends up with bruises on their legs.

Radar is emerging from the Loch after her first proper swim. She is 10 months old, but up to now hasn't been too keen to start swimming. Today she seemed to have overcome her inhibitions and took the plunge.

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