My Montreal

By snaity

Leap of Faith.

We have just returned from a few days at Haven, we had to cut the holiday short due to a baby with a nice healthy dose of Pneumonia (he's ok by the way, just needed some nice big antibiotics to see him through).
I'll bve honest with you, I think I'm too old for that kind of thing now, after an appalling nights sleep sat up holding a toddler who couldn't breathe lying down a kind of murderous rage took hold of me. Every time DJ Ned flashed a cheeky smile my way I wanted to rip his sparkly hat from his head, each time Rory the tiger beseeched us all to join the tiger club I wanted to cause him physical harm. Each red coat who approached with a cheery wave soon body swerved if I made eye contact. And please do not even get me started on the prices!! Holy moly!!! This the leap of faith. The kids climbed this high pole then launched themselves off the top to grab the triangle and swing for a few seconds before being lowered to the ground. The price of this 2 minute event?? £6 per child!! Six Whole Pounds!!! So I felt I should blip it, not only because I think Charlie was very brave fro throwing himself in to the air but also because I feel I should at least get my monies worth.
Next year I'm going to find myself a nice dark corner and just mutter to myself for a few days about the cost of living these days and how awful other peoples children are, I feel this would suit me much better.

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