Clark Tales

By cclark

Lego Blippage!

The ultimate lego blip.

Last night I went to a family Dinner with my rents. It will be my cousin Scott's tenth birthday next week - but he'll be away so my Aunt and Uncle invited us for dinner tonight so we could see him and give him his presents. Scott presented some Lego to me and asked if I wanted to come and see his cool new Lego stuff! With camera at hand how could I turn this moment down. I have never done the Lego blip, mainly because I don't own any.

As Scott is an actual child (I just haven't stopped being one) he had many other toys in his room, including this cool cave/mountain thing! So we emptied the lego men box and constructed a plot line in our heads- well mainly his head! I asked him if we could combine his lego and my need of a picture, we then found torches and a Helicopter. I explained long exposure to convince him it was ok to turn the lights off, then we constructed the shot with the torch being shone on certain areas throughout the 10secs!

He was uber impressed and couldn't wait to show the adults. I took loads of photo's, mainly due to sorta teaching Scott what everything did on the camera. So here's the Lego Men set, maybe there will be more in the future, tho Scott was not for sharing, Toys R US here I come! lol

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