Resonate - for fun

By Generate13


Didn't have a chance to get a snap of anything particularly captivating today. Not even a ponce shot. Just a google banner I took a quick snap of to remember.


Engines are amazing :) and I am pretty shamed, I can't remember this guys name :/

Writing a powerway report for dc and synchronous motors so I suppose this is relevant.

Also designing a "hypothetical" Kaplan turbine to create power on the river orchy up north.

I need to find the power within me to stop distracting myself with meaningless things. Such as soaps, Facebook, blah blah.

I need to find the power to forgive someone who can't even admit they have done wrong because if I don't my anger will consume me til I'm numb.

I will find the power. I have the power within me. I just need to use it.

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