Hands on... (WORK Challenge)

Meet Princess C. She is a hands on kind of gal. She is a striking 6' foot tall blond, who always gets a head turn in the elevator from men and women. But as much as she is beautiful, she is beautiful on the inside as well.

I met the Princess (as we affectionately call her) 6 years ago at work. We became fast friends. She is warm and open, attentive and caring. We work out together during lunchbreaks or go for a quick stroll around the pond to vent about our jobs, our days or just chat it up about nothing. When I am in distress she will come down 4 floors to bring me dark chocolate. What a pal!!!

She had a fun henna tattoo on her hand today from the weekend...I just had to shoot it!!!

Gotta go.....enjoy your evening!!!

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