Strange World

By strangeworld


Without poets, without artists, men would soon weary of nature's monotony. ~ Guillaume Apollinaire

Today is day 3 of my macro flower project. I'm submitting them to a photography contest in Chicago. This one is by far my favorite. The past two days my images were just flowers. Beautiful yes, but somehow they seemed ordinary. I wanted to create something different.

One of my employees always has fresh flowers on her desk. She brought these in yesterday. So, today after everyone left for the evening I grabbed a handful and went out to the warehouse looking for an "environment".

My building has a 10,000 square foot warehouse that is half empty, and half filled with old useless stuff. Its a waste of space really. All the inventory has been moved to another location. The space is a collection of dust and dead bugs on top of old catalogs and cabinets.

First I put the flowers on a windowsill. Lots of dead creepy things along with thick dust and beautiful natural light late in the day. It was interesting. Then I put the flowers on an old filing cabinet. More interesting but still not quite right.

Then I threw them on the floor...and there it was. I saw these weary flowers on the worn floor and I knew I found the right environment. I got down flat on the floor with them and captured this image.

I'm good at seeing what is already there so this is a first for me. I created an image that did not naturally exist. A very successful day! :)


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