
By wayfarer

Rock 'n' Roll!

The most important thing about photography is: SIZE MATTERS! Don't let anyone tell you that it's not what you've got , it's what you do with it - it's all down to the gear. And you have to have at least two cameras. Ive got three (four actually, but one is really small and doesn't do anything for my street cred.)
When I walk around town with my HUGE ZOOM hanging from my neck, I attract lots of attention - usually from security guards and the police. Hey! The Beatles and The Stones had the same problem; The Man has always tried to stop artists in their pursuit of truth and beauty.
With my charisma and equipment, I'm gonna be a blipping star. Once I figure how to switch this thing on, there'll be no stopping me, though I'm not taking my success for granted. I keep my green marker pen with me just in case it doesn't work out.
I can always get a job as a columnist with Scotland on Sunday.

I didn't get home until gone two this morning so I've backblipped.

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