Beth Wester Ross

By bethceol

The Smoking Room

While in Lehre, we were recommended a local cafè for lunch, called Vin-Nett. To get to the cafè, we had to walk through the shop. And, oh, what a shop! The only things holding us back from buying everything was the expense and the weight restrictions of Flybe.

It is an amazing shop - full of crafts, food, teas, and much much more. As it is nearly Easter, the shop was also full of lovely Easter crafts and gifts; the Germans do this so well.

An interesting thing we noticed is that it is still possible to smoke in public places in Germany, and there was a room set aside for smokers in the cafè. It had wonderful art work on the walls, featuring famous people - all with cigarettes in their mouths. This trompe l'oeil reminded me of Billie Holiday - or is it Carmen Miranda?

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