michigan man

By outdoorguy


I've said before that the cardinal is my favorite bird, probably because of the brilliant red, but the little chickadee is a close second.

I spent about 45 minutes at my kitchen window after breakfast and photographed mostly blue jays and chickadees. Those are the only 2 birds that see me standing there and will still approach.

The tiny chickadee is soooooo cute, but just like the blue jay...she is a little piggie. The jay tries to get at least 2 peanuts, and sometimes 3 into his beak. The chickadee likes the smaller sunflower seeds, but many times will try to take 2, also. I wonder if both of them picture themselves as chipmunks with the stuffed cheeks.

I think it's funny how we assume the gender of the bird. The jay was a he, and the chickadee was a she. Why do we do that?

It's high noon (12:05 p.m.) I was waiting for it to get to 50 before I took a walk. It's now 46. It may not make it.

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