Embers From The Stars

By phoenixvolta

Hi! My Name Is Paul

Hey guys. I realised I've been on Blip for about 3 months now (at times more consistently than others - I also realise my commenting skills need some work!) and I've yet to properly introduce myself. So here I am. A more natural SP than I'd generally like, I haven't edited this at all and I'm wearing my glasses, I never wear my glasses in public!

Anywho, Hello there, I'm Paul. I'm 23 and currently only surviving by doing some freelance film work, mainly editing. I live in Northern Ireland and have a BA in Film Studies from Queen's University. I have many mad dreams and desires for my life and usually spend a lot of time day dreaming. But at the same time procrastination is my master, so this can prove to be a set back.

Most people who know me would describe me as 'the funny guy' and generally that holds true, but others who know me better will also know I have a more serious/reflective side to my personality. Also my brain never seems to shut up.

Sometimes I do use my humour as a shield, for example if I'm down I won't normally let people know, I just pretend I'm my usual happy, funny self. Keeping things all bottled up, yes good and healthy. Also in certain situations I find myself not knowing what I actually want to do or say until the time has passed, which isn't very useful either.

But generally I am a happy, laid back kinda guy that tries his best to look on the bright side. I care a lot about my friends and their opinion matters greatly to me, sometimes to a fault. But I will go out of my way to help other people and make sure they're happy.

Well I think that's enough for now, I'm already starting to consider deleting this whole thing so I better move fast! Maybe I'll chime in with another more personal update down the line.

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