Northern Exposure

By Northern

Salty Sea Scobes

A couple of intrepid explorers washed up on our shores today.

It all began with a cryptic email passed on by the blipmeisters with a telephone number. Followed by a 'Erh, hi... this is Northern but that's not my real name' phone call and an arrangement to meet us at the old herring station by the pier - Poppy will be there you'll recognise her, she'll be wearing a pink tutu carnation.

As always when meeting a fellow blipper for the first time, you realise that actually these strangers are good friend and it's great to catch up with them. We had a long and entertaining chat over lunch and probably held them up in their dash around the isles. I hope they made it to their last port of call before catching the ferry. If not at least they now know the way and can come back fro longer next time.

Scobes and Owen, it was great to meet you. Next time the toasties are on me. Ta.

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