The Photo Diary of Alison

By alisoncrawford

Just a little "style" update

Hahahaahha! For some reason this magazine comes to our house. When I get it I like to open it up right to the "What's In, What's Out" section. It is so outlandish; I imagine these editor/ writers must be a bunch of nutters! Since when are particular dogs stylish? The bulldog is IN! What are they going to throw out the old dog and replace it with the new, hip one. And can they tell us that we can't have food scented candles? I'm not partial to them anyways, no fashion police are going to take away my right to bare food candles. hahahaha.... And also, by the way, podcasts are out, and in case you can't see the fine print, reason being is that "Who wants podcasts when there's video on youtube?" hahahaha, these people...sheesh, get a life and stop trying to boss people around! Hope you get as big of a kick our of this as I did! Oh and BTW don't forget to replace your old dishes with China because it is so IN right now!

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