
Aidan, Uncle C and I went to the Almond Valley Heritage Centre today. It was all going well until a four day old lamb 'baa-ed' at Aidan. He burst into tears and was shaking. He didn't trust any of the animals after that. Lol! In Aidan's defence he's been a wee bit off with week, teething we think, so has been a bit over sensitive. Hope his experience today doesn't put him off animals totally.

After this and a bit of lunch we went to visit Grandad (my dad) at his work. Aidan was a bit quiet at first but once he got going I was worried he was just being disruptive in the office.

Tonight we dragged Aidan to Ikea where an older couple were quite taken with him in the cafe. Aidan entertained them with smiles, giggles and chat. He didn't eat any of the macaroni cheese we got him for dinner though.

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