
By middleman


Last full day without the girls, they're back tomorrow and it will be great to see them. Had an excellent time the last couple of days though I have to say, thought I'd be moping around like a right sad sack but it hasn't been like that at all. Cost us a fortune though with all the going out, would have been cheaper to go on holiday it really would ;-)

And, had a great lunchtime trip to the Modern Art gallery for lunch in the cafe and then a wander over the road to the Dean to see the August Sander exhibition. Very very good indeed. No rush, on 'til Jul, will probably go again, good excuse for another lunch out at least.

Listened to all sorts today, but seem to have got most enjoyment from things of a slightly more, well, for want of a better word, 'banging' than usual bent. Stuff like this for example.

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