As Told By Ginger

By 9to12

Who Is John Galt?

I'm loving Atlas Shrugged so far. I can't wait to finish this blip so I can go and read some more. I also love these morning walks. I like having my blip for the day taken care of early. This puddle was on the field by the elementary school. I took a few pictures of it on my way to school and Peter told me he liked this one the best, so here it is.

I took a really easy science test today. I had popcorn in a lesson I went to during English. I played "Run" in art. We had a sub in Italian and played BMtron while half of the class was at the volunteer fair. We had a workout at track. Six 800's. It wasn't that bad. I know it sounds weird, but I like days with workouts because I feel and know that they make me faster.

I really need to discuss this book with someone...more people should read it. Too bad it's over 1,000 pages.

Word of the Day: Moratory - Authorizing delay of payment

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