fovea centralis

By fovea


Wandering around the Main Street Arts Festival in Fort Worth this evening. I was there to observe in awe and wonder. I needed a blip and I wanted to surround myself with life. The Worth Heights Elementary school created trees from recycled water bottles and such. I just loved them; some where bright and playful others were dark and mysterious. I choose color, though it was a tough edit between the color and the dark & artsy tree.

Today was a great day. I managed to secure a job in a lab for the summer; thanks to the help of a direct friend, Liz! And thanks to a little luck in timing and of course previous experience! I am so excited. Things are falling into place. Thank you!

B took me out to Central Market to celebrate; grabbed a salad and a beer; Enjoyed the company, while listening to an excellent market jazz band called "SoulTrackMind"

Three day weekend ahead!


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