
By archangel

Blip Search

A few weeks ago, when I was thinking of something for my 1 year (which is on Sunday - so make sure you all comment!) I came up with the idea of a word search with all my subscription blip people on.

So I found a 'make your own' word search program on the web and patiently inputed all my subscription pages - plus myself (and the number 365).

Once I did this the word search that came out was really too big to photograph - I think basically it put everybody on horizontal lines and there are no vertical or diagonal ones.

So I have ditched this idea for 'I have no idea what' on Sunday.

However, when I produced the word search (extract pictured) I noticed some very strange coincidences about my subscription list. For example:

Chaos reigns between Camera Shy and Chick Flick (as she was known then). Now she is just Flick she is over 42 - but I think we have all guessed that;)

Grandmama is under 42 - well they are getting younger these days.

Elmer is next to Eunique.

Red is next to Poppy.

Crynotinytears is next to Cyclops.

The Life of Bri (which is almost one of my favourite films) is next to These Things I Love.

And finally, Archangel is next to Airborne Sky God! Which I am - although I do not like flying :(

So go on - check your subscription page. It is all the rage!!

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