secret garden

By freespiral

Goosey goosey gander

There is a story behind this goose!! He was was a prize in a pub raffle, advertised as being good on the plate! Julia and Mike won him and refused to consider doing anything nasty to him and brought him home to their b&b. In due course they also bought some ducklings from the market, brought them home and were amaze dot find that Mr Gander immediately started to look after them and was highly protective. Here, I've over-stepped the mark somewhat and am beating a hasty retreat!

Lazyish day - stuffing more cards in envelopes and doing a bit of selling!! We folded, stuffed and sealed 200 cards into envelopes yesterday and Lisa went off with four of each to her shop. Hopefully she's sold loads already!! I have taken an order from Annabel and will approach three other places tomorrow. You will see them but himself is busily designing a simple website, and a possible online shop; as well as designing labels and posters - and putting together the fiendishly tricky flat pack display units we bought.

Dull and drizzly. We might go and see 'Of Gods and Men' tonight.

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