that girl.

By thatgirl


so i went into manchester on my own today, ive never properly gone on my own because usually i have my sister to go with if none of my friends are free but all my friends are busy and the sister was in college so i got some much needed things including the book 'will grayson, will grayson' by John Green and David Levithan so far im up to chapter four and its so good!

i dont read much really, ive always liked reading but i have a very defeatist view on most books like oh whats the point in reading the end... i dont think ive actually even got to the end on a book! but yeah i reccommend it so far :D

My new bed is coming tomorrow, but that meant we had to dismantle my old one, so tonight im just on a mattress :\ its a bit scary as seen as im scared of the dark and i have a cupboard and monsters inc. scarred me for life... :\

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