Blue Planet Photography

By blueplanetphoto

And How

I'm a big reader. Well, I used to read a lot more than I do now, but I still read a lot. Books, magazines. More so than the internet. The internet I look at, books I read, if that makes any sense. I can ingest things from books easier and more fully than I can from text off the screen. Holding paper and sitting or laying somewhere comfortable, I think, connects certain circuitry in my brain that sitting in an office chair staring at a light and radiation-emitting CRT just doesn't do.

This is one of the magazines I get that contains useful information, not fluff, and has content, not advertisement. Very few magazines out there now have any substance worth spending quality time on, much less re-reading.

People are getting lazy. Reading is much more fulfilling than web browsing. Maybe it's how I grew up. I was always reading something. My book library really could be called a library. I've been in houses where there are no books, not even a dictionary or cookbook. What's up with that?

Writing things down, creating a record of thought and inspiration, and having that be available for others to read, understand, interpret, discuss, debate, write about....the written word is, was, the beginning of modern culture.

Now we're all about convenience. We don't have time to dedicate quality time to immersing ourselves in a good book, fiction, non-fiction, whatever. We're all busy bees, work, work, work. Creativity and inspiration takes time. Great things don't happen when were moving a million miles an hour.

It happens in the shower, when we're laying in the grass on a summer day or on the couch when the rain is pattering on the roof. When we're relaxed. When our mind can focus. When we can listen.

Sometimes, we need to turn down the noise.

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