Sunburnt Penguin

By SunburntPenguin

Lion's tooth

Tis May; and yet the March flower Dandelion
Is still in bloom among the emerald grass,
Shining like guineas with the sun's warm eye on--
We almost think they are gold as we pass,
Or fallen stars in a green sea of grass.
They shine in fields, or waste grounds near the town.
They closed like painter's brush when even was.
At length they turn to nothing else but down,
While the rude winds blow off each shadowy crown.

From 'A Rhapsody' by John Clare

Spent today jogging and walking through some amazing countryside, taking lots of snaps of cute lambs resting and gambolling in the fields, beautiful scenery and interesting villages.

What do I decide to use? A dandelion by a gate post in a Conservation Trust's carpark!

Did you know the word dandelion is though by some to come from the French 'dent-de-lion'? I thought I'd use it for the title for this blip!

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