At the Pool

This is the Desert View Swimming Pool, one of seven pools in our community. This has the best view and is nearby, an easy drive in the golf cart. Yesterday I swam two laps and today upped the total to six laps. The main attraction in the last couple of days is the Hot Tub which has relaxed the crick in my back from golfing. This has been sore for a couple of weeks. Ten minutes in the Hot Tub yesterday and fifteen minutes today has loosened the muscles and the soreness is gone. Now I have to be more regular with my crunches and the the abbreviated Sun Salutes that I like.

I really love to swim since more or less growing up in a swimming pool. Until starting our first jobs we spent all day every day at the town pool in Ohio. Later was swimming in college. Am crazy not to take more advantage of the facilities here.

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