
By ausmossie

Holding out against the sun.

Thank you for all the comments on yesterday's blip. The 'hoverdog' remark cracked me up. I am glad it bought a few smiles to a few faces.

As compared to this picture where ice was holding out against the water, this sculpture is holding out against the sun.

It is about 5 metres tall and I suppose you already know.. it's a fish. While all the other sculptures are melting, this one is almost as good as the day it was finished. I think maybe that's because it is clear. There is nothing for the sun to heat up and so it hasn't really started to melt yet.

A lot of the sculptures have gone. Particularly those that were free to view and in public places. Some had to do with public safety I am sure but the areas where you have to pay to see the sculptures will definately hold out until the last gasp. It will be hard to see them all gone. They have been AWESOME to behold.

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