Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The Hogwarts Express?

no, not really.

It's the LMS Royal Scots Class, Scots Guardsman travelling through Carnoustie this lunchtime, on it's way from Edinburgh to Inverness.

I haven't seen a steam train for a long time, so I had to take the opportunity to blip this one.

Looks like it would have been a great journey to take on such a beautiful day.

Back to to packing now, as we leave for the school trip to Ardgour very early tomorrow morning.

I probably won't get a chance to blip or comment whilst I'm there due to lack of internet connection, so i apologise in advance for my lack of commenting.

A week's worth of back-blipping when I return, yippee!

Speaking of back-blipping this is my back blip for yesterday.

More of a rant than a blip.

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