What lies beneath?

By polaris

First BBQ of 2011

It's been a great weekend.

Friday was my uncle's 80th birthday party. Family came from all round the UK to share time with the 'head of the family'. Since my father's death, Roy has been filling that role for me; I love him lots. It was lovely, seeing some cousins I'd not seen for about 10 years- yet it was as if no time had passed at all. My kids had a fantastic time too.

Yesterday was spent visiting my mum in the morning, then my friend Mark. He's more a brother than a friend, & his kids are great fun.

Today, however, has been busy. I got the house tidied up, weeded the garden (whilst my wife did the ironing), watched a very exciting Grand Prix, then unleashed the flames! I overcooked the prawns, but the steak was sublime.

Back to work tomorrow..... not entirely reluctantly.

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