Ina's Snippets

By ina

Yesterday's roses...

I have tried to blip my cat, but she was not interested... well not tonight anyway! You can see what she looks like here - I will blip her at another time.

When my roses wilt, I usually put their petals in a basket or something so I can enjoy them longer before I throw them away. Love the smell! (Other than yesterday, I've added the drop effect afterwards) - so that became my blip for today!

Read an interesting article, written by Meagan Kruger, about Energy. She says:-

"Everything is made of energy, consisting of molecules and vibrations. Emotions, colour and words all have their own unique vibrations, and consequently travel at different speeds."

"In the body, each organ vibrates at a different frequency. A perfectly healthy body will be in tune rather like an orchestra of musical instruments. Stress, illness and daily living puts strain on these vibrations, resulting in the body, or person, feeling emotionally stressed or even ill"

Rub your hands together until they are warm and then hold them a centimetre apart - the warmth between your hands is your own personal energy.

Well... the best I can do is put the music on and dance to it... I know that makes me feel great! Should help to sort all the energy vibrations out :))

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"Work like you don't need money,
Love like you've never been hurt,
And dance like no one's watching."

~ Author unknown ~

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Hope you are having a great weekend sofar!

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