
By jkj10

Auntie I

Irene is the great Aunt of my husband. She was the longest standing volunteer for the Red Cross, having served for 75 years until her legs gave out last summer.She was moved to a rehab centre very close to us in London and I would visit her there as often as possible. I loved hearing her stories about living through the war. She had a very beautiful and glamourous sister (my Husband's Grandmother) who had many debonair suiters. Auntie I would wait up for her to return from her dates to hear the details. She didn't date herself having preferred to stay close to her family. She never married. Which she said was very unusual for her day.

She showed me some amazing photographs of her parents and siblings this morning. Sadly she doesn't have many. It was strange to see my children's features in their ancestors faces.

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