The eye of the beholder..

By kimthecase

My cheap read shoes

I had a lovely day, wandering around the boot sale, with the monster on his lead, enjoying the sun......sitting in the garden, soaking up the lovely weather....... watching hubbie paint,.sounds good so far eh.........
Now my cheap red shoes from Primark as they were called today, or as i like to call the shop Primarche,lol, were so comfortable i bought them in black to......... they are nice to bum around in, no heels of course...
Some weeks ago the red one's disappeared with a rather lovely red scarf i was bought by a a good friend for Christmas from my know how they walk on their own shoes, they do that a lot don't they,.....then today i discovered the black one's had been removed from my wardrobe to.......had walked of to............when my mum visited this afternoon, she noted that a pair of red shoes had been chucked further up the rd, and were sat on the pavement.......mmmmmmmmmmhhhhhh, no way, how could they have gotten there.... they have been missing weeks, and no one has admitted to touching, them, certainly not my hubbie who is a size elleven, so i can safely let him of the off i trotted,and in disbelief, yes they were mine.........chucked at the side of the black one's turned up in another bedroom,... now i have back my two pairs of cheap Primark shoes.........this should have been all resolved but the person in question, somehow turned it around that as they were cheap primark shoes it did not matter................and helping one's self to other people's belonging is nothing to mention............and going through another person's belongings is fine.........and of course they were CHEAP........mmmmmmhhhhhhhhhhh.

Now if any of my neighbours read this, sister in law, listen up, if you see a red scarf (Debnams i might add) hung from the telephone wire, in someone's garden, being used to wash someone s car, i would really like it back, as it is rather sentimental.......... no point asking the person who put the shoe's there, as i am making a fuss.............. and all their friends agree........

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