Everyday is Red

By everydayisred


Oh look, another sp.
I want to take more pictures, but I haven't been out all that much. And when I do go out, I shoot things that I really want to use for future blips, but that would be considered untrue or cheating by blipfoto standards.
I have this really funny picture of this girl I was talking to at a clothing store the other day. I asked her to give me "the bird" so-to-speak, and she happily did. Great shot! However, God forbid I offend the blip gods that control this site. I have already had one picture removed; I'd hate to have that happen again. You never know who is watching...

In other news, I am now working at two offices in my area. One a day spa, the other a doctor's office, and so far so good, I am developing a weekly routine. This is a good thing. There for a while I was never quite sure where I would be working at and on which day, so this is finally coming together. Both places are completely different, giving me variety which I enjoy. Consistency would be better, but I imagine that should be coming... soon?

This morning I woke up screaming after a horrible dream I had. It's pretty much bothered me all day; I still can't really shake it from my mind. I don't remember my dreams all that well, but this one, well, it is hard to forget. I know there must be a message. When I am open enough to receive it and truly see what it is it will come.

Had some dinner guests over to the new place last night. I have to say it's been wonderful having some new local friends. I knew when I met them we'd click immediately, and we did! And you can't go wrong with serving pasta.
Make friends with pasta...wine helps, too.

Another rainy day in town. Another sp. Another blip about hum drum nothings.
Happy Sunday.

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