...among other things!


The Deep Blue (Wincheap, Canterbury)

I'm quite lucky that my current job means I get to walk around some very beautiful places and when the weathers like this there's not much to moan about. Today, for example, I took a stroll along a very busy and extremely hot Camber Sands Beach. Unfortunately when I get to walk around the gorgeous South East I tend to be busy working and not able to get the chance to take pictures.

So, today's Blip... got home with a sun induced headache but still had itchy feet and decided to go for a quick wander whilst Naomi was on the exercise bike. Didn't have to go far to find a subject or two. The shot I wanted to get however didn't turn out right, something about the light, but Wincheap can be great for little urban landscapes so didn't take me much longer to get this great dusk shot just outside The Deep Blue fish restaurant. I love the slightly surreal colours, especially the deep blue sky.

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