In my easter bonnet.......

......I feel a right numpty....aww sorry Bega..

We`re going over to see friends in Harbury on Easter Sunday and the village is running an Easter Bonnet competition.
Not to be outdone, a quick trip to the pound shop and bonnet.

After the euphoria of Tuesday, Chris took a letter over to Sarahs house with the intention of just putting it through the letter box...Sarahs partner opened the door and after Chris had introduced himself, Lucy called through and Sarah appeared at the door. Many hugs and cups of tea later, he comes home and announces we`re going over to the girls house for a Chinese and a good chinwag. Had a great night, my step-daughter is a lovely young lady, felt like we had not seen each other for just a few months instead of 15 years, they`re coming over to ours tomorrow to watch the footy and have is looking good

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