The eye of the beholder..

By kimthecase

True Love

These lovely handies belong to friend Richard, who recently had them was about two weeks ago now, so they are lovely and healed.......tat's as they are called (sorry my attempt at being hip) .
I had one many years ago, and hate it.......but, to be fair, i just followed a pic saw in a book, that i leafed through whilst there..... it had no meaning..............Now it seems that every one's tat's have depth, meaning, symbolic or tell's a personal story to the individual..... and i think for the longevity of liking and wanting them still further down the years, this is probably the only way to choose your its your story...........well, i have waffled on, Richard's words on his hands, are dedicated to his partner David, whom he loves and is very happy with, and wanted to dedicate these tat's to him..............(though there was whispering, they may have been dedicated to Bob Hoskins, who is his pinup,though strongly denied) any way, love the angle of the photo, the colour and style.....................

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