Westward Ho!

It's another jolly for his Lordship and me as we take our leave this morning for 4 nights in Argyll.

Apparently the heatwave and blue sunshiny skies that the rest of the country has been having in the last week or so is slipping away in time for Easter.
We unlucky people in Edinburgh having found it had slipped away sometime on Thursday afternoon, leaving us yesterday cold in a blanket of haar, now have drizzle and the likelihood of heavy rain on the journey west to country places in Argyll.

It's not that I'm complaining. Oh no, would I ever? There's nothing nicer than cuddling up to a proper wood fire in a remote cottage with a good book to read and some knitting to do. However, given the choice, I would have liked to have been out in the sunshine cycling along these country roads in a t shirt and shorts rather encumbered by wet weather gear and seeing everything through raindropped glasses.

Still, it's the break that counts and we will look forward to seeing if the primroses are out on the banks of Loch Awe, to looking for our favourite waterfall, to climbing Dunadd hill, the ancient site of the crowning of Scottish kings, and to watching the boats negotiate all the locks on the Crinan canal.

And it may not rain all the time.

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