Graphical Incidentals

By keirfergie

1st Day off

Considering i have been off today you would think i could get a more interesting blip than Murphy's snout! Truth is it's actually been a busy day, as well as gutting the house out i went for two runs, firstly up culloden and then in daviot in the afternoon. Then it was off to Michelle's to babysit the twins whilst mother and emma went bridesmaide dress shopping in Nairn.

Kids had me run ragged, the trampoline is good fun no matter what age you are. They had to drag me off it!

Murph sliced open his paw yesterday whilst in Cromarty so i'm desperately keeping him in cotton wool so it heals in time for next week when im planning a few munros. Not a deep cut but no point in tempting fate so whilst ive been up runnign two of his fave walks, he has had to make do with a half hour at Maxwell Park..... im sure he can smell on my trainers ive been up Daviot!

Got my photo taken whilst running up Culloden this morning, turns out the guy taken the photo is a pro and currently involved in making a book about people in Inverness, think he said 100 people in Inverness is the title hopefully to be published this year. I welcomed the brief stop whilst we talked photo stuff, and he has a good looking dalmation dog so all in all a good run.


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