Mucking Farvellous

By smartiecookies

All because the lady loves ...

When this week's WBC theme of "indulgence" was drawn from the blip cup, both Craftygirl and I immediately shouted "chocolate". What can I say, it's a girl thing. Anyway, Neil is out on the razzle with a mate in the west end of Glasgow this afternoon, so I thought I'd take the opportunity to finish off the box of chocolates we'd been given a while ago. In my defence, Neil had eaten all the chocolates apart from the ones with nuts in (due to an allergy rather than some altruistic tendency to leave any chocolates for someone else). I'm not supposed to eat chocolate, given that one is never enough and I have to eat all available chocolate if I even have any, but today, I thought that the hazelnut delights just had to be eaten or they would go past their sell by date, and that's just a waste. Yes, self-delusion, thy name is Rachael.

Anyway, here's a pic of an empty box of Milk Tray. Provisional entry for the WBC.

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