Crikey on a Bikey

By Stewpid

Park lake, puddle fingers the duck

Up Early this morning for some shots of watergate park again.
Billy the 6 month old demon usually has us up from 5am onwards so we thought WHEN he does will go to the park for sunrise and mirror water shots.

Course this morning he decides to have a lie in!! so we got there for 9am, bit later than we wanted.

couldnt decided what to blip as some of the water reflection shots werent that interesting.
I got "out Blipped" by the wife on the waterfall!!

So picked this one as it has puddlefingers the duck innit and some reflections.
It's looking at the bridge i was stood on for an earlier blip that had the snake's cross bar in it. and also Mr froggy ribbit also of previous blip fame sits to the left of this bridge.

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