
By Kookyinthelakes

Pretty flowers

I had to back blip yesterday's smog in the lakes photo due to a BBQ last night and me deciding I'd had a little too much wine to write sensibly. Please look if you have the time.

At the BBQ last night my friend Ben had walked to the house over marshland near Bassenthwaite Lake and I was curious as to the paths and routes. It turned out that my dad is a local expert on these routes and he gave me a route to follow this morning so I could go and explore. I didn't meet a soul which is very unusual in this part of the lakes over Easter and another reason why I decided to explore these paths.

I didn't get lost exactly, but there was a huge bull in one field sat right in front of the stile and I wasn't brave enough to go near it or photograph it for that matter. Because of this I had to take a slight detour but I found my way back onto the right path. After this I didn't see any wildlife, and it was eerily quiet until I came upon another farm. Still not much to photo other than these pretty flowers and a dry stone wall (which I happen to love).

It's rained this afternoon and visibility tomorrow is meant to be excellent so watch out for a landscape shot. The alarm clock is set for earlier than early!

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