
By fancyfootwork

my room at home.


to be honest, my day started like shit.
i was online, and a friend from my former school/friendgroup starts talking like,
'oh, what a pity you weren't there last night, we had a lot of fun'
and i was like; what? where are you talking about?
it all comes down to the simple fact that some bitch of my former friendgroup - wich i haven't seen since four months ago -
said, that i couldn't come, because i was at my girlfriends house, WICH IS FUNNY, BECAUSE MY GIRLFRIEND WASN'T HOME, AND I SAT IN MY ROOM, BORED AS HELL, THE ENTIRE EVENING.
so she lied, because she apparently didn't wanted me to come. so i cried the entire morning, and i feel betrayed, hurt and other stupid shit.

luckily, i have this amazing friend, this super duper chick who is always there for me, who invited me, and we went to maastricht (again, yes) (:


and, that's how my day turned into awesome :]

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