Charlie #5

Who'd have thought it.....??? Three hundred and sixty five!!

Typically I had big plans, but since they lacked any type of competitive element they failed miserably.....if you care to delve deeper you will find that's not uncommon for me.

A prime example is that I started blipping in 2008 and promptly forgot all about it! In 2010 a group of internet friends joined, inspired by lovely Netty, and the rest is more or less history, here I am a year-ish later, a few gaps, a few backblips, AND the big 365 under my belt.

Blipping is possibly my only good habit, it is great to take a peek into the lives of others this way and great that others are interested enough to drop a line or subscribe...and don't get me started on the "I got a favourite" dance <blushes>

Thanks to Blip, thanks to all the blippers and thanks to all who stop by and comment, it feels good!

Today's blip has been brought to you by Charlie, possibly one of the most blipped puppies ever..... thanks to Babymuppet my lovely daugher, the ever patient and equally lovely Mr C&D, and all the lovely know who you are laydeeeeez!!

at least you were all spared another cat blip! Be Grateful! :D

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