Daily Epoch

By Dailyepoch

Chasing Bubbles

Yesterday was a brilliant day, I managed to get some great photographs finally. A few too many actually as I've spent the last 30 minutes trying to figure out which one to use! I chose this one; even though its not the best, its my favourite for just summing up how great the day was.

In the afternoon I went to my friend Sophie's for a BBQ, we soon ended up by the river taking pictures of the kids playing around in the water, they had managed to find a dead fish which soon came the centre of attention for every kid and it's rod! it was a nice change as the parents didn't seemed to fussed with me taking pictures, One of them even asked if he could have a copy of them!

We then brought out the bubble blower and spent the remaining sunlight running around and just generally acting like children! Dave won the award for the longest lasting bubble and Soph won the accolade for biggest bubble.

What a perfect day; and just like that 'pop' and it was gone.

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