
By thespotlightkid

Early purple: Ochids of Europe #1

S and I went for an Easter Sunday walk this morning in the bluebell woods near Litton Cheney. There is a ruined chapel in the middle of the wood which made it a particularly appropriate destination today.

It is usually here that I see my first orchids of the year. The early purple orchid is one of the first to come out and also one of the smartest. I have a great love of wild orchids and cannot help myself photographing them, so I'm afraid there has to be a blip series of them.

The full plant looks like this. It has spotted leaves and beautiful purple flowers on a tall spike. In Dorset most of the colonies I have found are in woodland, usually with bluebells (they flower at the same time). But in some places, such as the Peak District and Cornwall, they grow profusely out in the open, on roadside verges and grassy slopes.

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