
By Jamjar

Oh! (sigh of disappointment) this doesn't show just how bright an orange our railings are at the moment, and I thought it would. They're the brightest thing in the street, and at any moment the Ajuntament may come and tell us that orange is a no no! Luckily this is just the colour of the undercoat.

I've painted the railings this morning, all four sets that are outside the full length windows. There are two other smaller windows either side of this one that don't have railings at all thank goodness! I started at 8.30am so that I could get them done before the rain that's forecast, but the sky seems to be brightening.

Tomorrow, or maybe wednesday to give the orange a chance to get hard, I'll gloss them all black and then the front of the house will look a lot better. Then... the front door will be the next job - repairing the bottom section, cleaning it all and giving it several coats of oil.

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