Sea Urchin

By seaurchin

Where is the snow?

The merest hint on the weather that we may have snow and I am like a child glued to the window, waiting for the first flakes! I even got up in the night to see if any had fallen. (Sad!)

So I woke up this morning expecting a still whiteness and heavy skies laden with snow. Lay snug in bed wondering if I could wangle a day at home for everyone, imagining myself on the phone 'Yeah, snowed in..we'll just have to stay at home, get the woodburner going..' Pictured us all building snowmen, falling back into the snow to make angels, throwing snowballs and drinking mugs of hot chocolate. (All very Waltons I know!) And what do I wake to but sodding sleety rain. The day kind of drizzled itself away and then amazingly the sun broke through. Maybe in the next few days...

Thank you for all your motivational comments yesterday. Without sounding too gushy, when the going gets tough I'll go back and read through them to remind myself that I can do it.

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