Mrs Unremarkable

By MrsUnremarkable

Ton up!

Anyone who knows me will know that this is out of the ordinary - me being consistant. Doesn't work for dieting thats for sure!!!
Have loved posting a blip each day, no doubt about that. Quality I know could be much better & since my surprise gift of a new camera in February I think its time I turned the dial from 'automatic' to something a bit more challenging.
Family & friends excluded, I am amazed that normal people have actually subscribed to my blip, and a sincere thankyou to those who have, and those who have passed a fleeing comment, so chuffed.
I have certainly extended my vocabulary - blip, blipped, blippable & phrases like 'Have you blipped yet' & 'Its my turn on that blipping computer' arise almost daily. (Pressganged family members in to joining up) Journeys now take longer (STOP) and I have seperation anxiety if my camera isn't close by.
Todays photo - well thankyou to an obliging son, a marker pen & a pair of my mother knickers x
Looking forward to the next 100

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