As seen by me...

By GrantR

Easter Monday sunset

And what a sunset it was. Original plan had been to head down to Longniddry but decided it was too far and had too much else to do to head that way tonight so ended up at Newhaven on the way home and caught a quick half hour there. Sunset was a cracker, very glad I never missed it.

I've been blipping Newhaven a lot as I learn about this long exposure stuff as it's a great location to get famiiar with and get to grips with a new style of photography. It's also probably the best sunset location in Edinburgh at this time of year.

This was shot with the Sigma 70-200mm f2.8 EX HSM at 70mm, fitted with the Helipoan ND3.0 10 stopper. On top of that was a Kood circular polariser, Hitech ND0.9 soft grad and a Kood red grad filter. This one is pleasing as it's the first time I've used the red grad and liked the result. 3 minute exposure just before sunset. The sun is still above the horizon but I moved position to put it behind the lighthouse to take out the chance of any flares on the lens.

Lots of cameras out down there tonight, no doubt plenty Newhaven blips!

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