fovea centralis

By fovea

tangled mass

a confusing and often difficult task, trying to find your way in life's mass. a tree's roots groping the ground, searching for the best path. this way. that way. over. under. turn back. press forward. what is right? left? correct?

today has been an ebb and flow of mixed emotions. i am on the brink of a lull. School is winding down before the 8 week summer break and my lab job doesn't start up immediately. i always get a little depressed by the change, by the deceleration of things as i approach a transition. this always happens, i am left to ponder life too much and i become consumed by my thoughts, sadly, there usually negative thoughts, and that isn't like me; most of the time i am happy. motivated. productive. i guess i don't know how to relax and enjoy the free time. i just need breathe, re-focus and get ready for the next few things coming up... moving into a new apartment, starting a new job, enjoying my up coming break.


oh, by the a 96 on my last pharmacology exam! thanks again for all the support.

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