Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer


One of my college pet peeves...getting out of bed, getting showered and dressed and dashing out to the bus, knowing you're going to get to class exactly on time...only to find out once you've already gotten there that class has been canceled. And the frustrating thing is that if only you had checked your email, you probably wouldn't have made the trip to class to find out it was canceled. Grr.

The frustrating thing about this cancellation is the fact that the 11am-12pm class (the one that was canceled) is just for grad students and that there is still another section (the one with undergraduates) from 1pm-3pm on the same day. Pain. in. the. rear.

Almost fell asleep a few times in said 1-3 class. Then home for a bit and to grab the car before my 6-10pm class. Out at 8 and am now just waiting for my roommate to get out of her class so i can drive us home.

It honestly wasn't even that frustrating of a day. I'd even venture to say it was kinda fantastic, for no reason at all. :) Hooray for reason-less happiness!

The song ended and he asked her name. She just smiled back and asked his. He laughed. "Names aren't important when your existence is ignored by others." She asked if she could photograph him for her project. He seemed to think about it for a moment, but only a moment. "Of course you can." He asked how she wanted him to pose, but she instead requested a song. He closed his eyes and began to move his fingers over the strings, so familiar with the instrument that he knew just what to do to elicit the most beautiful sounds.

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