The eye of the beholder..

By kimthecase

I love the fruit

As you can see, my fruit is just starting to look a bit on the tired side........i will plough on, and eat as much as i can.........As Jane know's on here "i love the cake". Problem is to much, so for the last four weeks now, i have been healthy eating...........and totally enjoyed it all..................But now the end is near, as Frank Sinatra would say.........not of the health eating, just over the fruit for a while......and so is my many sweat's as i race to the loo, lol, to much information, thought so........i am going to give the fruit a rest for a while, when the fruit bowl is emptied as much as i can.........

On that note, any healthy ideas for food, apart from having my mouth super glued together would be most welcome, and recipes, please do not hold back.......variety after all, is the spice of life...............

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