Living In The Valley

By CatbirdCottage

The Busy Busy Wren

I had planned for a flower shot tonight, but thought this was a bit more interesting. I was walking back to the house from the garden, and the Mrs. Carolina Wren was having a fit trying to get some more nesting materials inside. I believe she managed to get part of it in. They are a tenacious little bird with their nest building.

I do find myself trying to play Mother Nature within my yard and garden. Not everything is going to get to nest nicely and things are sometimes ugly. Sometimes this little wren may disrupt the tree swallow & bluebirds nests.. yikes.. I hope it behaves itself, no amount of lecturing from me will help will it...

As some may know I do grow my own birdhouses, I did start a new blog on growing these and here's how I make a birdhouse.. look only if your interested :)

Making a birdhouse

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