I Hope I Can Change Later

By benbradford80


I took this photo here whilst on my way to The Horniman Museum. Although I never made it there since my wife messaged me (once I was outside of the museum) to tell me she had just got home and didn't have her keys. So I turned around and went home to let her in. To be fair, she had to do exactly the same thing for me this time last week so now we're even!

In other news, Virgin media never rang me back and we have decided not to go away to Gothenburg this weekend. Neither of us were massively looking forward to it and the flight is at 630am tomorrow morning from Stansted which is looking like a massive mission for us. The flights were cheap anyway and we would end up spending a lot more money if we went I think.

It does, however, mean that we will now be in London for the royal wedding, the one place I really didn't want to be when it was happening!

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